Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adventures of living off the land

Into the Wild

     Have you ever wondered what it was like back then when we didn't have homes to live in, markets to get our food from, or even when there were no cars? It's just you and nature, and you are living off the land. If you had a chance to drop everything you have money, clothes, your own home, and even your car and live off the land in Alaska, would you? The author Jon Krakauer of “Into the Wild” and publisher Anchor Books expresses about the main character, Christopher McCandless an independent adult who thought it would be the best idea to live off the land. Faced with challenged that didn’t stop him from roaming around the mid-west to the western coast, and even making it as close to the Mexican border. The Setting of the book is in different places, but the main place would be the state of Alaska. The time frame of Christopher Candless is with the years 1990-1992.
     One key theme that the author shows is the curiosity and wanting to know what was out there in the world. The main character wanted to learn and explore so many things. I really enjoyed reading this book, it reminds me of myself a little in the sense that I want one day try to live off the land. I want to learn and travel the world. This book impacted my life by showing me that it is never too late to enjoy what is around you and to appreciate all the different people that come in and out of your life and makes an impact in your life as well. I recommend the book to everyone and take a chance and read it. J

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Will Smith: Success Secrets

I was shown this, and thought it was inspiring. Made me think. Thought I'd share :)

Heart of Gold

A field with thousands of yellow golden fire,
miles, miles, and miles of it.

As the moon sets and the sun rises,
the fields are calm.

The yellow golden fields of fire burning bright,
like the smiling sleepless sun.

The beautiful field,
is what's in our soul.
the yellow golden fire,
is what's in my soul.
A heart of gold. 


     Why do we buy the clothes we wear? Why do we pick certain brands to represent, and not wear the other brands we don't buy? I never realized how much advertisement and brands represent who we are, also lets people define who we are sometimes. I found that very interesting in our past class time. It’s true though, we all like certain brands, and we won’t wear certain brands. Advertisement is an ongoing thing; we can never win and be satisfied. Why? Because it changes every time, there is always something new to discover, something new that is going to be invented. Every generation is different, but it’s up to us to separate ourselves from using advertisement, brands, etc… to define who we are. We must be raw and real with ourselves.
     Personally, I've never really been a brand person. I've always dressed comfortably, what I feel myself in that is what I would wear. Simplicity is the way to go. J

Success and Technology

     I believe what you need to be successful in life is to pursue happiness. What makes you happy? For me, having my family, and be surrounded by people I love is important. Money isn't everything. Instead, it’s the journey to the destination that is the feeling of success. What you go through to get where you want to be, that’s being successful. Attacking your fears and doubts, and turning them into positiveness  that’s success. Being confident and doing the impossible, being unrealistic instead of realistic, letting the sky be the limit all of these are what makes you successful. It comes from within you; you are the one that’s in control. If you want something to happen, make it happen.
     In my video at the end I added some thoughts about technology. Basically, as long as you have a balance between going online and going offline then technology is being used in a right and positive way. Face-to-face interaction is very important. We learn from each other, the way people act and respond towards things, we take that in and we learn from what we see. Everything around us, we need to appreciate and not forget that we live in a beautiful world, we can’t forget that.