Monday, February 18, 2013

These were two scenes that stood out to me. 

If we lived in a community, a Utopian Society and it was time to receive your Assignment, what do you think YOUR ASSIGNMENT WOULD BE? 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It started off as a place to keep in touch with close friends and family. Now, it shapes who we are in today's world. I feel people spend more time looking at people's profiles than communicating. Everyone knows everyone's business these days because of Facebook, and other Social Media. Is it information we really need to know? 
Technology, is it taking over the world? These days everyone has a cellphone in their hand. I'm thankful we have technology, but I think we use to much of it. We are forgetting the things around us, what it was like not to have a smartphone right by our side. How it is like to have a casual conversation with someone. It's true though what Sherry Turkle says in her article The Flight From Conversation about the 3 powerful fantasies: that we will always be heard; that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be; and that we never have to be alone. I believe if we look at these powerful fantasies and change it up, we can make a difference. I understand that when your on Facebook you will always be heard because you post what your feeling or what you want tell everyone, and everyone reads it. Instead of investing all our time on the computer, let's try to invest our time to one friendship or a few friendships a week, in person. Have contact with one another instead of communicating online. When we are with our friends, instead of being on our phones and checking our Facebook feeds or whatever you may check on your phone, be present in the conversation that's going on in front of you. Even though you may not be interested in it, try to find a connection, or move on to a different conversation. Even just listening is doing something than being on your phone. Lastly, we never have to be alone. Some people's worst fear is to feel alone, even when there are so many people right in front of you. I think sometimes we take time for granted, the conversations we can have but we don't because we are to preoccupied with other things like technology. I think too much of it will start shaping us and the person we will become. If we use it right I think we will be okay. The point is, use technology, whether it be yourself, ipad, etc. at a right time. If you have people in front of you listen, and invest your time in the conversation. HAVE A CONVERSATION, learn to communicate more, instead of typing it out. 

                    Lively Up Yourself, and don't be no drag.

Wake up and Live.